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Xena chapter 6

Previously on Xena:

"Argh Xena! Gods it would be so much easier if i could actually read warriors minds. Then i would know how to deal with you in these sort of times." Aphrodite smiled a happy grin, as her fingers began to twitch.


"Oh i can so totally help! That would be an awesome thing to do! I get to help out my favourite girl group in the meantime!"

"I'm so sorry" She said

"Thats fine" the young man said. leigh smiled at him

'oooh i would like to lick honey from...' Leigh looked in shock. She could hear peoples thoughts!


"Xena" She said slowly. "I think we have a problem....."


"What?! Leigh whats wrong?" Xena asked, worry creeping across her facial expression.

"I can hear thoughts....." Xena looked confused. She also gave leigh a look one could only describe as 'ok i married a crazy woman'

"XENA! I am not crazy! I really can!"

"Fine Leigh fine, if you can hear thoughts what am i thinking right now huh?" Xena said with a smirk. Leigh looked at her and her face coiled in disgust.

"XENA WHAT THE HELL! I cant believe you even thought that!! JOXER OF ALL PEOPLE!" Xenas smile dropped as she realised Leigh was telling the truth.

"Oh crap... you... you can really hear thoughts!!"

"Yes i can" She paused for a second "You better stop thinking that also" Xena smiled innocently. "Whats going on Xena? This is aweful! There was some guy who wanted to lick honey from a place only your allowed to touch!" Xena glared her 'look'. Aphrodite stood in the room, cloaked from vision, a look of worry across her face.

"Shoot!" The goddess said. "I was only supposed to help!" She followed the two down to the bar. Suddenly Leigh smacked a guy in the face. Xena glared at her.

"WHAT! He made a comment about your ass Xena"

"Oh how sweet, you were protecting my honour" Xena smirked giving Leigh a kiss. "We have to work out whats causing this. Tell me what you did this morning" Leigh started and Aphrodite looked upset.

"Ok ok! I can fix this, i'll just take of the spell and no one will be any the wiser!!!" Aprodite pointed at Leigh ready to shoot when Xena suddenly stood in the way. "Crap!" The goddes thought as the zap headed for leigh hit Xena directly. "Oh this is not good. So not good!Leigh is going to kill me for this. Though it might be fun to watch. Not everyday you see the Warrior princess ungraceful and unsexy. plus leigh might like the extra attention. I better go try figure how to fix this though" Fearing for her life she dissappeared from sight once again.

"Xena are you ok?" Leigh asked.

"Yeah yeah, I'm fine." Desire suddenly took over Xenas senses "Leigh, lets go to a lake near here" leigh looked confused."You know, get away from the hustle and bustle. Give your mind a chance to rest while we figure this out"

"OH! Good idea" leigh said whilst leaving the tavern.

"And so i can have my way with you" Xena smirked and followed her wife outside.


Leigh sat on the bank, writing in ne of her scrolls. Xena gave a quick glance over and smiled, she then started to remove her armour. Removing everything apart from her shift. With another quick glance Xena then proceeded to "Fall" in the lake.

'Oh bother'Leigh looked up thinking Xena was talking to her. After seeing her love it was quite clear she was just hearing Xenas thoughts and started writing in her scroll again. 'Look at me!' Xena continued to think 'I've fallen in this very cold lake only wearing this flimsy shift!!!' Leigh arched an eyebrow but kept her head down. She had clicked onto what Xena was doing. 'Now the white cloth is all translucent and it's clinging to my firm, sexy, nubile body. My erect nipples showing in a painfully obvious way' Leigh was confused at the warriors attempt at seduction. It clearly wasn't Xenas usual way of getting her into bed...not that she needed much persuassion usually. She decided just to play along, Xena was obviously up to something... or so she thought. Standing she looked at Xena and then at her breasts.

"Is it REALLY that cold?" She said whilst removing her own clothes. Within a second she had dived head first into the lake, submerging herself for several minutes before leaping out the water appearing more naked than any other naked person Xena had ever seen before.

"Leigh..." Xena asked. Instead of answering Leigh simply looked toward her lover and arched an eyebrow. "I want you..."

"You want me to what?" leigh asked. She had to make sure especially after Xena was acting so strangely. I mean this wasn't Xenas usual style to say the least.

"No" Xena continued "I want you.... In a wanting way" She stated.

"Oh" Leigh said "You mean you want want me? To do the nasty? Have some serious girl on girl action here in this secluded area?"



Leigh started wading towards Xena, slightly hesitating.

"Xena are you ok?" She asked.

"Never better" With this Leigh continued to wade over. Xena got impatient and when leigh was still a good few feet away she decided to launch herself into her lovers arms. However, she missed, headbutting Leigh in the chin.

"Fuck"Leigh said grabbing her mouth

"owch!" Xena said simply.

Xenas head had a small but widly bleeding cut above her left eye from the impact. After Leigh had made sure all her teeth were intact she turned to see if Xena was ok.

"OH GODS" She stated. "Xena you are bleeding!!"

"I am?" Xena asked confused. "I thought i was blinded by love" She blinked several times as blood poured into her left eye. She went to wipe it away, generally making it worse.

"Xena are you sure you are ok? You are acting strange. Maybe we should go clean your head"

"No no no Leigh I am fine honest! Don't worry bout my head, i said i wanted you and i don't want to explain that again so take me my ferocious ocelot" Leigh did as she was told. Moving her and Xena out of the water to the bank. She lay Xena down gently.

"DAMN" Xena shouted "Pinecone!!!!" She reached under herself and pulled out the spikey intruder.

Leighs eyes turned to pure lust. She kissed Xena and started trying to remove the warriors now soaking shift. After several minutes it appeared as if the shift was painted on. After afew unsuccesful attempts to remove it Leigh sighed and left it clinging helplessly on xenas left arm. She sighed again and went back to kissing her lover. She decided to give up on any chance of this being a romantic moment and decided to get down to business. She started making her way down xenas wet body, doing so she accidentially pulled Xenas hair. In reaction to this Xena brought up her leg quickly, kneeing Leigh in the face, knocking her onto her butt.

"FOR THE LOVE OF APHRODITE" Leigh muttered. With this a flash appeared and there stood Aphrodite with a look of pure guilt on her face... "Aphrodite? what... how?"

"Ok sweetcheeks" Aprodite started "Don't get mad"

"Don't give me reason to get mad" leigh glared. Aprodite gupled.

"Ok ok i totally put a spell on you" She said whilst cringing.

"YOU WHAT" leigh exploded.

"You said you wanted to read her" pointing to Xena "mind and i thought i would help." Leigh began to rub her temples and started pacing back and forth. "i'm sorry?"

"I know you are. So what about her?"Leigh said again pointing at Xena "what did you do to her? She kinda has lost all poise and grace!"

"Ahh that, well i tried to take the spell off you and she kinda... uhm... got in the way"

"I see"

Xena who had remained lying on the ground had rose and made her way over to Leigh wrapping her arms around the girls waist.

"Urgh Leigh i hate willys you know"

"Aphrodite!!!" Leigh pleaded "PLEASE will you sort her out first"

"Ok chill babe! One stoic and mysterious warrior coming up" Aphrodite pointed and zapped and poured some sort of dust on Xena who was now nibbling on Leighs ear. The warrior stood up looking confused and slightly embarrassed. Looking down she realised she was still naked and excused her self quickly. Aprodite then turned to Leigh. "Sure you want to give this up? Is it not handy knowing what she is thinking?"

"Yeah i am sure. I was stupid, i know what she is thinking i just havent been listning recently. I have learned my lesson" leigh laughed. Aprodite smiled and zapped Leigh also. "Thanks Dite, oh and next time you fancy helping out... run it past me first yeah?" Aprodite grinned giving Leigh a hug.

"Sure thing hot stuff" She said whilst clicking her fingers and dissappearing from sight.

"Xena?" Leigh said walking over to the warrior. Stopping her from putting the rest of her clothes on she gave her wife a kiss. "You know, its dark, the camp is set and we can always head home tomorrow instead. Xenas eyebrow raised in anticipation. "So lets say we finish off what we staretd before"

"Leigh that sounds like the best thing i heard all day!" The pair laughed and made their way to the bedrolls on the floor.

............................................... The end ...............................................................................