Xena stormed around the tavern room. It was fairly obvious the warrior was not in the best of moods this morning. She was searching around the room frantically, taking no care about how noisy she was being in the slightest. Her expression was one most people would find intimidating, most likely fleeing from her sight in fear of being the one to get in her way. Thats one thing everyone knew, never bother Xena if she looks anything less than what you could classify as "happy". Which most people associated with if she seemed to be having a good time with Leigh, it meant you were safe for the most part.
Another item was flung around the room. Leigh who was a heavy sleeper must have endured enough because after the most recent of Xenas tantrums, you could say, she had stirred from her slumber. She awoke confused, staring at xena bewilderdly. She could see Xena was not in a good mood at all, which was slightly confusing since the night they had before was what Leigh would call 'Better than being in the Elysian fields'. Then again unlike most leigh was not scared by the warriors vexed persona.
"Xena what in Gods name?!" Leigh asked slightly annoyed. Xena turned and gave leigh the most, usually, terrifying look. "Oh no you don't. Don't be giving me that look. Just tell me what the hell you are doing"
"I can't find it" Xena snapped.
"Find what?"
"My whip...." Leigh removed the blankets and pulled out the whip and held it up for Xena to see.
"What?! How did....... Oh yeah" Xena mumbled at the end. She snatched the whip from Leighs hands "Er thanks" She said.
"Gods Xena you're grumpier than a bloody three legged cenataur. What on earth is wrong"
"what could possibly be wrong"
"That is EXACTLY wha i'm thinking. We have an amazing night.." This comment makes Xena briefly lighten her expression as she clearly remembered the previous night, a slight smile creeping onto her lips. This, of course, was short lived as the warrior snapped back into her dark mood. "Then you wake up and almost destroy the room... "xena madea noise that to Leigh sounded like a snarl. Of course, this didn't stop her from talking. "You wake me up and snap at me. Now you tell me what on tautarus is up with you ok." Leigh sounded really angry this time and Xena could tell. She knew she wasn't being very nice to her, she just couldn't help it.
"It's nothing Leigh ok, It's just a warrior thing."
"Urgh whatever Xena you just continue to pout thats fine by me" leigh said throwing her hands up in the air.
"I'm not pouting" Xena said with a growl.
"Oh not again, my girls are always getting into these situations. The warrior babe needs to relax" A voice, unheard by them both was spoken by Aphrodite as she secretly watched them. That was always a good thing about being a deity... being able to hide yourself so mortals cannot hear or see you until you wish to show yourself.
"Argh Xena! Gods it would be so much easier if i could actually read warriors minds. Then i would know how to deal with you in these sort of times." Aphrodite smiled a happy grin, as her fingers began to twitch.
"Oh i can so totally help! That would be an awesome thing to do! I get to help out my favourite girl group in the meantime!" With this Aphrodite cast a spell upon Leigh. Leigh stopped in her rage temporarily as she felt a strange senstation settle onto her. She shook it off as Xena stormed out of the room. In frustration Leigh collapsed back onto the bed and put her hands over her face.
Xena was at the stable sorting out Argo, ranting about her and Leigh to the mare. Argo snorted as Xena was talking and shook her head.
"You think i need to apologise right." Argo snorted again "I know you're right girl, i don't know what got into me this morning. I better go calm down first though. Don't want to make things worse. Maybe i should go to the marketplace, buy her a little something. Could get you some apples also" Argo stamped her foot and nooded her head. "Haha, alright girl thats what i'll do" Xena said, placing Argos brush back in the bag. "I'll be back soon" She said leaving the stable and heading towards the marketplace.
She searched a number of stalls not finding anything she could give leigh to say sorry. Instead she opted for some fresh flowers in the near by fields. She picked up some apples at the fruit stall and headed back towards the stable. She placed some apples down for Argo and packed the rest in her bag.
"I'm going to get some flowers" Xena said. Argo appeared to laugh, if that was in anyway possible cauing xena to frown "Do you have any better ideas?! I happen to think she would like them" Xena said self reassuringly. Argo didn't seem to ahve any opinion this time and continued to nibble on one of the apples. Xena smiled to her self proudly, taking this as a win against the mare and headed out the stable and towards the near by field.
Leigh paced around the room trying to calm down. Not being able to do so she decided a walk might do her good. The tavern was empty so she decided to have a drink instead. Supping on some port she began to calm down.
"Nothing like a nice glass of port to calm yourself down" She sighed to her self. Still in disbelief with what happened earlier on. Xena confused her so much sometimes. She loved her to bits yes but man she drove her crazy sometimes. "Maybe some shopping will do me some good" Leigh thought to herself. Shopping had always managed to cheer her up even a little bit in the past so it was probably a good idea. With this she finished her mug and started out the tavern towards the marketplace.
'man i want some more business' leigh turned round confused
"excuse me?" she asked
"OH wonderful!" The man said "you're my first customer today!!" Leigh looked confused not sure if the man had even spoke to her to begin with. She shook her head and left the man, who look more than a little dissapointed.
'damn damn and DAMN' Leigh turned round to see another vender looking at the floor slightly vexed. She stook up and looked Leigh right in the eye 'what she looking at' Leighs mouth dropped in horror. The vendor hadn't even opened her mouth. How was this even possible. She backed up in disbelief, bumping into a man behind her she turned round to say sorry.
"I'm so sorry" She said
"Thats fine" the young man said. leigh smiled at him
'oooh i would like to lick honey from...' Leigh looked in shock. She could hear peoples thoughts! How was this even possible?! Upon this realisation she ran back to the tavern and back up to her room.
Xena walked back from the field, smelling the flowers and smiling.
"Leigh should like these" She smiled before toughing her demeanor entering the village again. She couldn't possibly risk loosing her warrior persona after all. She headed to the tavern and saw the young barmaid cleaning behind the bar.
"Hey, uhm has Leigh been down" she asked shyly
"Oh yes" The barmain replied "She came down, had a drink then she left for a couple of candlemarks. She came back just before, i didnt get a chance to say hello. She simpl went straight back to the room" The woman smiled softly.
"Thanks" xena nodded and began heading up towards the room. She paused outsidethe door, slightly nervous mainly due to the way she had behaved earlier. Taking a deep breath she pushed the door and walked in sheepishly.
"i brough you these" she said extending her arm before realising Leigh had her back to the door and appeared to be staring at the wall. "Uhm Leigh" she aske shyly. Leigh turned around slowly and stared at Xena. The warrior could see there was something wrong and rushed over to her, putting her arm around her "Whats wrong sweetheart?" she asked worried. Leigh took a breath trying to recover from her shock in the marketplace.
"Xena" She said slowly. "I think we have a problem....."
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ to be continued~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~