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Chapter 4

The sun shone through the hut window. Radiating the amazon decor with a natural beauty. On the bed lay the Warrior princess and her newly made wife Leigh. Xena was on her side, Leigh was facing her yet propped up on her elbow. Suprisingly Leigh had woke up first on this particular day. It was a first in their relationship. Leigh enjoyed her lie ins far to much to be an early riser like Xena. She sat an admired her wife, 'Wife'Leigh mused. It sounded so good to say, even just to her self. She had been wishing for this day for so long, it was like a dream come true.

"Are you just going to lie there and watch me sleep" a familiar voice broke Leighs train of thought.

"You're awake?! How long?" leigh asked slightly confused. She was sure she had worn the warrior out so much last night that a lie in was to be expected.

"Since you woke up really" Xena smiled, eyes still shut. "I was wondering how long you'd lie there next to me, plus it gave me extra time lying next to you. Thought it'd be nice on our first offical couple day" Leigh couldn't help but smile. She was so lucky to see this side of Xena. Most people feared her. If only they knew how sweet and loving she was. "It's better they fear me Leigh, you know that" Xena laughed. Leigh look confused.

"Wait how did you know what i was thinking?! If you say you have many skills, i might have to kill you" leigh joked. Xena laughed also, shaking her head.

"I just know you Leigh. Plus means your extra special being the only person to experiance this first hand huh" Xena smiled, she had eventually opened her eyes. Her piercing blue eyes locked onto Leighs. The electricity that sored around them every time they looked at each other was immense. It was enough to drive anyone around them mad with lust. Infact it was suprising they didnt rip each others clothes off everytime they were in close proximity of each other.

"Soooooo" leigh said, breaking the sexual tension. "I know you aren't one for staying in places long so where are we headed?" leigh smirked.

"I guess you know me pretty well also Leigh" Xena smirked. "Well i was thinking maybe we could head to your Village and tell you parents the good news maybe. It's a long travel but if we stopped off in Argos then we could make it in two days" Xena smiled lovingly.

"That sounds wonderful" Leigh said, slight tears forming in her eyes. Xena suprised her sometimes with just how thoughtful she was. "I guess we should thank the amazons then" She said cheerfully. Xena nodded.
The two started to get ready, Xena sorted out Argo and packed their things whilst Leigh went to find Solaris.

"Hey Solaris" Leigh said, waving her arms and jogging over to the hut she spotted Solaris at. Solaris turned around and smiled, giving Leigh a mighty hug.

"So you and Xena had a busy night huh" She winked "We could hear you for most the night! Boy do you have some stamina!" She laughed. Leigh slightly blushed, realising how loud her and Xena were the night before. "Let me guess" She continued "You and Xena are leaving right?" Leigh nodded. "I thought as much." she smiled.

"yeah, shes taking me back home to see my mum" leigh smiled. Solaris smiled understandingly.

"I'm sad to see you go after such a short time but i understand why. Just come back and visit again soon yeah?! Solaris pleaded.

"You wont be able to get rid of us" Xenas voice interupted the conversation as she walked up towards the two, Argo afew paces behind.

"Glad to hear it" solaris grinned wildly.

"Ready to go Leigh?" Xena asked. Leigh nodded.

"Bye solaris" Leigh said, giving the girl a giant hug. "I'll be back soon" she whispered. Xena also gave the girl a hug before mounting Argo. She extended her hand to Leigh. Who climbed up infront of Xena.

"Byeeeeeeeeee" Solaris shouted as Leigh and Xena rode off out the amazon village, leaving a happy Solaris waving behind them.


Leigh and Xena arrived in Argos later that night. Leigh had managed to get a great deal on a meal and room at the local tavern, whilst Xena managed to get free stable care from the local blacksmith.
' I do love being feared sometimes" she smirked as she headed back to the inn. Leigh was sitting on a table near the back of the room. Xena grabbed two mugs of port and headed back over towards her.

"Hey sexy" She said "Still writing your story? Need any help?" The warrior joked.

"well actually" leigh started "i as hoping you'd help me do this one" she grinned. Xena looked in disbelief. "Go on, it'll be fun" leigh said whilst teasingly stroking Xenas thigh under the table. Xena looked down at Leighs hand on her leg then back to the girl with an eyebrow arched.

"Fine, go for it" she said rather seductively.

"EXCELLENT" Leigh said, quickly removing her hand. Much to the dissapointment of the warrior. "I'm writing about a couple who are about to go at it"

"What?!" Xena asked, slightly confused

"You know, making love, doing the dirty, the beast with two backs, fu..."

"Ok i get it!" Xena interupted. Leigh blushed but continued quickly.

"Well where are they doing it? Thats the important thing"

"How about a tavern" Xena said, trying to entice Leigh, who seemed oblivious to it.

"Well you can't just have them talking, thats boring!!"

"Oh but that depends on what they are talking about" Leigh cocked her head in thought and nodded

"You're right! Yet it also depends on what they do whilst talking about something interesting for example right now I'm not trying to seduce you" Xena rolled her eyes. "but if we were in the story for instance i wouldn't be sitting as far away from you as i am. I'd move this" Leigh said sliding across the bench so her and Xena were extremely close."

"yeah" xena said huskily "youd get closer" she managed to get out.

"Yes! cause then you get to feel my heat and get my scent. Very important in seduction" Leigh smirked, realising the effect this was having on Xena. "Next would be bodily contact such as a brush of the leg" Leigh casually brushed her leg against Xenas causing the warrior to stiffen at the sudden feeling of contact.
Xena could only manage a slight gasp and nod of the head.

"Th... Then what" She said shakily

"Welllll lets say i were to do this" Leigh put her arm around Xenas waist, slowly caressing her fingers over the warriors stomach. "Then maybe i would kiss you if i liked you enough" Leigh smirked.

"What .... do you mean.... if" xena said, still intoxicated by Leighs touch.

"Well in the story you know, if i liked you" Leigh smiled evily.

"well how would i get you to kiss me in the story" Xena asked breathlessly, she was loosing her self control. Man this girl drove her crazy.

"You'd have to make me feel aroused" Leigh grinned. Xenas eyes shot open and stared at Leighs face. It only took a few seconds to realise Leigh had planned this all along. She grabbed her hand and rushed her back to their room.

As soon as they got into the room Xena looked at Leigh with so much lust to anyone else it would have been almost scary. Leigh walked over to her sensually and slipped her fingers under the leather ties of xenas outfit, slowly undoing the laces. She then began peeling the straps off the bronze shoulders, peppering them with soft kisses as she worked the leathers down her warrior’s body.

"Hmm that’s niiiice." Xena hummed contentedly as she leaned back into Leigh. The leather battle dress soon found its way to the floor. Leigh felt the top slip from her shoulders as Xena pressed their bodies together and began working the belt of her pants. With a resounding thud Leighs clothes soon joined the warrior’s on the floor.

"Ah Xena?"

"Hmm?" Xena was far too busy exploring a shapely neck with her mouth to give too much consideration to the girls words.

"My boots…" Xena looked up, grinning.

"Be right back." She said before dropping down to her knees. Leigh could feel a soft tickle as Xena used one hand to anchor herself, mainly due to being overcome with passion, by holding onto a very firm calf while the other hand undid the laces on leather boots. Leigh felt her boots being tugged from her feet then the warrior stood back up.

"All better?" The warrior inquired as her mouth once again found that neck she was so fond of.

"Much thank you" Leigh smirked. Enjoying the sensation. Xena pushed Leigh onto the bed, carefully yet forcefully. The Warrior Princess carefully hovered over her lover, breathing in her scent and softly exhaling on Leighs delicate neck. Xena made sure no part of their bodies touched, but a steady heat was building between their skin, the gravity of familiar desire pulling hard. Leigh sighed at the feel of Xena's warm breath against her. The warrior slowly moved down over her lover's body, breathing into flesh she wanted to kiss, resisting the urge in favor of sweet anticipation. Xena allowed gravity to win eventually, her own desire becoming to strong and brushed her lips against leighs, causing the girls mouth to open slightly with a whimper.
Xena moved down across her lover's flat stomach. The warrior succumbed to gravity again briefly and kissed leighs stomach, eliciting another whimper from the bard. Xena moved down again and bent to allow her breasts to graze the insides of lean thighs. Leigh groaned at the teasing touch and her legs parted instinctively. A bolt of passion surged through Xena's body from her breasts. This time Xena had to stop to keep her own desire in check. She couldn't go this far only to surrender to animal urges. The warrior took several deep breaths to compose herself, then carefully laid her body between leighs legs. Leigh groaned and wrapped her legs around Xena's shoulders.

"Xena" Leigh said between breaths. "You are the Goddess of my heart"

"And you Leigh are the ruler of my soul"

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~end chapter 4~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~