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Chapter 3

Last time on xena and Leigh: "Leigh, I'm closer to you than i ever have been to anyone in my life. I've always thought it unfair to ask you to commit yourself fully to someone as non commital and cursed as me. You also know that is true." Leigh just nodded. "What i'm asking Leigh is for you to join with me"

"What?!" Leigh asked shocked? "Xena you can't possibly ask me this, i know its not who you are. You can't do this just to make me happy" Leigh withdrew her hand from Xenas "Im sorry Xena, the answer is no"


Xena looked stunned. She didn't know what to say. The love of her life had actually just turned her life long commitment down and Xena was never one to be asking something like that. Infact it had gutted her in that moment. Xena wasn't very familiar with the concept of truely being heart broken. Yes she had been in the past but nothing compared to this. It felt like the other half of her soul had been ripped apart and she didn't understand why.

"Xena?" leigh asked seeing the reaction of the warrior "How could you think I'd make you do something i've known you are set against? It wouldn't make me happy knowing that you were just doing it for me." Xena sighed.

"Thats not what i meant" Xena managed to stifle back a tear when she said it.

"Of course it is Xena!! I realise you made a promise to make me happy no matter what, i also know you get pretty damn protective when it comes to me and how this would make it feel like im just that but come on. This means something to me and you know it and we both know where you stand on commitment don't we."


"DONT WE XENA? I think you made it pretty clear last time...." Xena suddenly put a finger over Leighs lips, Leigh undestood xena wanted to talk. She reluctantly stopped talking and sighed. Xena then removed her finger and took in a deep breath.

"Maybe i want to do it because i love you. Forget everything else, forget the past, yes it's true back then i couldn't commit but now i am in the damn tight spot cause i actually WANT this. I love you leigh, more then life it's self and i can't see me being with anyone else other than you." Leigh stared in shock, she didn't know what to say. Xena seemed so very genuine about this, she never expected this to be true and it had floored her! "It's not a trick Leigh, It's not for any other reason than i love you. I understand how you feel and its up to you what you decide. I just want you to know i am being genuine about this."

"Decide? DECIDE?! Xena that decision was made a tautarus of a long time ago!!! You should know that! I reckon i would have said yes back the first day i saw you in Poetida!"

"Is that a yes then?" Xena smiled.

"I still cant believe you are serious about this Xena! I never expected it to happen!"

"I know! i cant believe it either!I want this though. I want you" She said with a loving smile. "I just hope you do as much as me"

"I always have wanted it Xena, you know that. I guess after a while i just lost hope. made my peace you know. You're really serious?"

"Yes leigh, I'm really serious. I promise. Join with me"


"I take that as a yes then" Xena smirked

"You better believe it! leigh said running and jumping towards Xena, knocking them both to the floor.They engage in a very very long hug, unable to speak. Both so very relieved. Leigh gave Xena a hugely passionate kiss. "I love you"


Xena and Leigh had set off travelling, heading towards the nearest Amazon villiage. The Amazons respected Leigh and Xena and also has experience in joining 2 females. The best place for them to go in this case. A scouting party picked them up on the outskirts of the amazonian villiage and guided them towards the centre.
Xena and leigh nodded at the scouting party in respect before they all dissappeared back into the woods. Leigh took Xenas hand and smiled, xena could only smile back. They walked into the villiage and were greeted by solaris, an old Amazon friend.

"Xena! Leigh! It's so nice to see you both again" She exclaimed whilst giving them both a hug. Solaris was pretty, around Leighs height, long raven hair and traditional amazonian clothes and jewlery. She noticed them holding hands and burst into the biggest grin. "Oh so you two" she said pointing at them both "have you finially come to join?!" She said excitedly. Leigh blushed, a happy blush. It felt good for other people to say it. Xena smiled wildly and only managed a nod of the head. Solaris squealed excitedly. "It's about time!" she said "I'm really happy for you both" With this she ushered them to a hut. "Ok" she said. "I'll have to get the other amazons ready. You two stay in here! Sleep! Rest!" before she ran out the room Solaris managed another excited sqeal.

"Sure you still want to do this" Leigh joked

"Leigh, not even the Gods could stop me doing this." She smiled lovingly. Leigh who felt warmed by the comment gave Xena a quick kiss and a giant hug. "Maybe we should, you know have one last night of un married fun" Xena smiled wildly, suddenly realising what she had just said quickly added "i meant with you uhm..." leigh laughed.

"Xena as heavenly as that would be, maybe we should get some sleep. Save it for tomorrow. I promise you wont regret it" Leigh winked.

"How can i resist such a offer" Xena smiled. With this the two lay down on the bed. Leigh snuggled into Xenas front who instincively put her arms around Leigh in a soft and loving manner. "Night leigh" She said giving the girl a kiss on the head. Leigh however had already fallen asleep. Xena laughed and drifted off herself.


It was the day of the ceremony. It was beautiful, the amazons had decorated with traditional amazonian joining decorations. Xena yawned and smiled down at the girl lying in her arms. Usually she would have been up and ready by now, randomly scouring the area. Today, however, she had just sat and watched Leigh sleep for hours. Smiling gently at the day ahead.
'Soon my love' she thought whilst stroking the top of Leighs head. The young girl stirred, slowly opening her eyes she saw Xena looking downat her.

"Morning" Xena said <

"mmmmmmm morning" leigh smiled, pulling xena down for a kiss. They were interupt by Solaris.

"Oh by the love of Artemis! I hope i didn't disturb anything!" She asked slightly embarrassed. Xena shook her head whilst giving a laugh.

"Don't worry Solaris, i just woke up" Leigh blushed.

"Just in time" She said "We are ready for you now" With this she left the hut.

"ready?" Xena asked

"As i'll ever be" leigh replied. The two got up, got dressed and walked out to the village. The amazons had set up a platform for the ceremony, a massive fire set infront of it, several amazons had gathered around it.
Xena and leigh walked up to the platform hand in hand. Solaris smiled and positioned the two in front of her, hand in hand whilst facing each other.

"In the tradition of the Amazon people, we are gathered here to witness the joining of Xena and the person she has choosen to share her life with, leigh" Solaris started. " In our traditions, we challenge the two to be joined to overcome a hurdle, a trial of pain so that they know the price of their being made one. Since Xena’s life has intertwined with the fates of the Amazons for a long time, I think it’s right that this ceremony be sealed with a blade that is a part of her." Xena reached down and unhooked her chakram from her belt. Clasping it in one hand, never once taking her eyes off leigh. " It is easy to bear pain brought by one’s self. Harder is it to bring pain on one you love. This is the trial we demand. You must shed each other’s blood."
Xena slightly hesitated the chakram above leighs hand, a slight worried expression on her face.

"Go on" Leigh smiled.Xena draws half the chakram over leighs palm, cutting a deep gash. "Your turn" leigh smiled. With this leigh also cut xenas hand this the chakram blade. Blood dripped from both palms. They clasped their hands together, the dripping blood became one and they shared the most sensual kiss they have ever had.

"Congratulation Leigh and Xena. You have now joined as one" Solaris smiled.

Leigh and Xena were led back to the queens chambers.

"So do you feel any different?" Xena asked

"It feels... closer. It's like i can feel your heart beating in my chest" She smiled.

Leigh pulled away slightly and tilted her head, blindly searching as her hand moved up into Xena's hair. Their lips met as fiercely as their bodies' embrace, reaffirming a connection that exists beyond death, and life. Breaths slightly ragged, they broke apart. leigh tok a half step back, while Xena remained against the wall, watching. Lifting her hands, Leigh used just the tips of her fingers to touch Xena's face, as if to memorize her eyebrows, her cheeks, the shape of her lips. Her fingers trailed along Xena's neck, down the center of her chest, and come to rest at her waist.

"I think i promised you a night you wouldn't forget my warrior" leigh smirked, leading Xena to the bed.

"So you did" Xena smirked devishly following in suit. Leigh kissed xena, sliding off her armour. Pushing her onto the bed and straddling her so fast the warrior had no idea what was going on.

"Now where were we"

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ end chapter 3 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~