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Chapter 1

"Xena?" leigh asked realising that xena had once again gotten up early but was nowhere to be seen in the room. "Where the hell did she go?" Leigh asked frustrated, slowly rubbing her eyes, trying to keep them open.

"Morning sleepy head" a voice entered the room. Leigh looked confused, she hadn't even heard the room door open!

"what?! the door?? where did you....." leigh asked confused.

"I have ...."

"yeah yeah you have many skills" leigh smirked, Xena couldn't help but smile also.

"So i brought you up some breakfast they had spare.... since you slept through it" xena said. Leigh smiled, then looked hungrily at the plate set down beside her. Xena couldn't help but laugh at the size of this girl compared to her huge appetite.
"Right, I'll be back soon. I just need to check on Argo. Go to the market place if you wish. I'll meet you back at the tavern in a short while." With this Xena left the room, leaving a very puzzled Leigh sitting on the bed.

'did she forget my birthday?' she thought. Her heart slightly sinking at the thought. She finished her breakfast and got dressed. "May aswell go shop and drown my sorrows in the tavern i suppose" leigh sighed and left the room.

Xena was talking to argo. "Got that girl? course you have. It should be perfect" she said smiling to herself, loading various bags onto Argos saddle.

Leigh had bought a couple of scrolls for her writing and drawing and headed back to the tavern. She shouted towards that barkeep.
"Give me a port please?"
"Coming right up" the barkeep replied, shortly giving her a nice mug of port. Leigh sat and drank thinking about how much her life had changed. How much she loved xena and finially decided that she supposed it was ok if Xena had forgotten this once. She had had a few problems recently. She continued sipping her drink declaring not to let this mini error bring her down.

Xena was riding along a narrow path. She pulled Argos reigns, halting the horse. She cocked her head slightly to the side and listened to her surroundings. A small curl appeared on the side of he lips. She pulled out her chakram, heaving it towards a tree. A man fell out, causing 6 more men to charge from the surrounding bushes. Xena yelled her war cry, flipping off the horse and and landing infront, un sheathing her sword. The men charged at her. She dodged the first attack easily, pushing the man into a near by tree. The second and third got a swifty kick to each side of their head and fell to the ground. Xena punched the fourth in the head, dropping him to his knees before hitting the fifth on the chest with the butt of her sword. Finishing off the fourth man of his knees with a kick to the chest she turned to the sixth man and swung her sword. The mans eyes, wide with fear. He turned from her screaming and running in the opposite direction.
Xena smiled proudly, turning round and walking back towards argo and giving the mare a stroke on the nose. She climbed back up and headed back down the road.
"Woooah girl" she said. "We are here". Xena quickly dissmounted and sorted out what she needed. "Perfect" she said reasuringly to herself. "Right girl, lets get back to the village" she said with a slight flick of the reigns.

Leigh was on her 4th mug of port, she had started to feel a little tipsy but years of drinking with Xena had finished her era of being a lightweight. The next thing she knew a nice pair of strong arms were wrapped around her. Leigh knew who it was instantly, breathing in the sweet scent of Xena standing behind her.
"mmmmmmm" was all leigh managed to get out.

"Come with me" Xena said.

"Why?" leigh asked puzzled.

"come with me and you'll find out" xena smirked. Leigh looked at her suspiciously, not sure how to take this. She got up slowly, holding the warriors hand and was led to Argo.

"Xena what is all this?" Leigh asked, still very confused. Xena had climbed up on argo, she had an arm out reached. leigh took it instinctively, knowing that the warrior princess had no intention of telling her why. Leigh sighed and wrapped her arms around xena, savouring the closeness. Argo then took off, continuing down a narrow path.

Afew candle marks later and Xena halted Argo yet again. Climbing down and helping Leigh with her. It was dusk now, a lovely red and orange sky illuminated the landscape. Xena led leigh by the hands through a clearing. Leighs mouth dropped instantly. She viewed an open meadow, the view was beautiful. Around her was some bed rolls and what appeared to be a picnic. A tear formed in Leighs eyes. It was all too beautiful to describe.

"Happy birthday Leigh" Xena smiled softly and loving at her partner, holding out a gift.

"I thought you forgot!" Leigh exclaimed. Giving Xena a mighty hug and taking the parchement from Xenas hand. She started to unravel the paper.

"I had Sappho jot something down for you" Xena smiled. Leighs grin widened.

"Sappho? Thee sappho?!" Xena just nodded. Leigh un ravelled it and started to read the poem infront of her.

'There is a moment when i look at you, and no speech is left in me, My tongue breaks and fire races under my skin. I tremble and grow pale for i am dying of such love or so it seems to me'

Leigh felt a tear run down her cheek.

"Oh Xena! It's just beautiful." Leigh gave Xena another hug and a very passionate kiss. Xena was not expecting it and was taken back at first. She then relaxed into the kiss. They pulled away and gazed into each others eyes for what seemed like eternity.

"Just don't go telling anyone bout this" Xena smirked "it would ruin my warrior bravado if people found out bout this" she laughed.

"It's our little secret" leigh said, giving another quick kiss on Xenas lips.

"mmmm leigh i could sit and do this for the rest of the night but maybe we should eat that picnic first" Leighs eyes widened with delight "come on then" Xena ushered her over to the bed rolls. "close your eyes" xena said.

"What? Why?"

"Just close your eyes" leigh complied and soon after felt a soft cloth over her eyes, tied behind her head, blindfolding her.

Xena moved behind her and gently slid the straps of Leighs top over her shoulders and down her arms. Pulling the back ties free, she removed the garment from leigh and placed it on the ground beside a rock. Pressing languid kisses against one bare shoulder, Xena then unwraped Leighs pants and set them aside. Leighs undergarment and boots were next, drawn off with slow seduction.

"ooh i like this" Leigh said smiling wildly

"I thought you might" Xena said back.

Leigh felt her stomach grumble and blushed at the sound it made.

"Sorry about that" She whispered "I haven't eaten in a while and oh by the gods that picnic smells delicious Xena!" Chuckling, Xena helped Leigh sit atop a luxurious, deep black bearskin. Leigh moaned in pleasure as the thick, soft fur slid along her limbs. Xena lowered herself to a matching fur, sitting cross-legged facing leigh so that their knees casually brushed.

Xena turned and reached into a bowl of salted olives."Open your mouth" she said to leigh, who readily complied. Xena placed the olive on Leighs tongue who hummed as she rolled the fruit around in her mouth, savoring the flavor as she separated the meat from the pit and swallowed.
she opened her mouth again, and Xena fed her another olive, and then another.
A piece of lamb, warm and expertly seasoned, was next, and leigh groaned as she took the morsel from Xena’s fingers followed by a nice mouth ful of wine.

"Would you like some desert" Xena asked devishly.

"Oh yes Xena!" leigh replied enthusiastically.

Reaching into a bowl filled with fresh, cool fruit, Xena selected a large, ripe strawberry. Lifting it to Leighs mouth, she drew the tip of it back and forth across leighs slightly parted lips, Causing the girl to give a small moan. Leigh bit into the sweet fruit, breathing deep as the taste burst inside her mouth, filling it with the flavor of summer.
Xena then drew the remaining half of the strawberry down the underside of Leighs chin, down her neck, her chest, and into the valley between her breasts.

"By the Gods" leigh moaned.

A hot mouth descended on her flesh as Xena’s tongue slowly removed the trail of juice she’d just laid. Their Lips met again in a kiss of dizzying passion. Sensing Xena was readying herself to pull away, Leigh held her tightly and tipped back, pulling Xena with her until they were both lying full out on the bearskin.
Leigh squirmed on the fur, plucking at her blindfold.

"Xena, please. I need to see you." She exasperated.

Smiling, Xena raised up on one elbow and gently slipped the cloth from Leighs eyes. Leigh breathed deeply as she watched the moon bathe Xena’s soft skin and bring special radiance to the blue of her eyes.

"Many years ago, in a clearing much like this one, I met my destiny." Xena said whilst stroking leighs hair. "I fell in love with her that very day."

Leaning down, Xena kissed Leigh with all the love within her, then pulled away only enough to whisper into her ear.

"Happy birthday leigh"

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*end chapter one*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~