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Xena Introduction

Disclaimer: I do not own Xena: Warrior princess, as much as i wish i did. These belong to universal studios etc etc etc. I do not make any money off these and they are purely for fun.

Sex: yes please... Oh ok well i wouldn't say anything explicit but knowing me there might be later on. So this story shows implied (and possibly full on) f/f sex. If you are underage, this is illegal where you live, you dont like know the rules. Bugger off.

Violence: As much as xena would usually have. Nothing to bad then i suppose.

ok enough with the mumbo jumo legal stuff, this all applies to the chapters on the other pages, as they are continued from this.....
Don't sue me!!!!

Xena was walking down a musty road.

"Leigh better like this" she said aloud. Argo was walking a couple of paces behind, contently nibbling an apple. She finally arrived back in Amphipolis and headed towards the stable. After sorting Argo out she headed to the inn and to the room leigh was situated in.

"hey" leigh said smiling as Xena appeared in the doorway. Xena suggestively raised her right eyebrow as she noticed leigh in the bath.

"hey back at you" Leigh blushed as she realised Xena was checking her out. Xena walked over sexily leaning over the bath.

"Very nice" she smirked before engaging Leigh in a very passionate kiss. Leigh did not hesitate, suddenly she pulled Xena in the bath also.

"Think you need to cool down" she smirked, giving her a wink.

"Tease" Xena pouted.

"You love it" leigh joked, Xena couldn't stifle her smile.

"i love you" she smiled softly. Leigh blushed wildly.

"I love you too" she leaned in kissing her.

"now where were we?" Xena grinned devishly.The kisses intensity grew. Xena started to remove her armour. The warm water soothed her as she stripped.

"I don't think i'll ever cease to be in awe" Leigh said appreciating Xena's newly naked form.

"Neither do i" Xena said, pausing to take another look at her lover. "Neither do i". Things were just starting to heat up when suddenly the inn keeper barged in. He stopped dead in his tracks as Xena gave him 'the look' as Leigh merely blushed the brightest shade of red which made Xena briedly drop her 'i'm going to kill you look'.

"What?!" Xena said coldly, causing the man to freeze in terror. Leigh upon seeing this rested her hand on Xena's shoulder.

"I'm sorry, um this is kind of a bad moment. Is it important?" she said. The inn keeper blushed.

"Um you told me to tell you when dinner would be ready and i thought i'd tell you personally" He blushed at leigh. Xena rolled her eyes.

"I see, well thank you uhm, what's your name?"

"Hower" the man replied.

"Well thank you Hower" Leigh smiled. Xena made an obvious noise of disgust.

"Well it's uhm lamb and it's 2 dinars" he smiled " but yours is on the house " he blushed.

"Urgh is that all Hower?" Xena snapped.

"Uhm" he said " well i was also maybe wondering if Leigh would join me for dinner?" Xena put her arms around Leigh.

"Im sorry Hower but she's spoken for" Xena smirked.

"Oh, uhm you two, uhm oh well then erm i'll be going, uhm erm it's uhm 7 for dinner erm yes" he said before practically running from the room. Leigh shook her head playfully as Xena bit her neck teasingly.

" You don't have to be so protective you know" she laughed " you should know i wouldn't trade you for the world" she said giving Xena a loving look.

"I know" Xena said whilst still attached to Leigh's neck. "Just can't help it, it annoys me that people overlook the fact I'm oviously with you even in very non-subtle situations. Plus i love you and the thought of someone else with you kills me so i like to let them know they have a snowball in tautarus chance with you" Leigh smiled and turned to face Xena, placing a soft kiss on her lips. "Why don't we take this conversation to the bed" Xena said raising an eyebrow suggestively. Leigh smirked and took Xena's hand and led her to the bed. They both lay down. Xena cupped Leigh's face and kissed her. She moved her hands slowly down Leigh's body and began kissing her neck.

"I'll make you work up an appetite" Xena grinned.